Sunday, December 25, 2011

His birthday that changed the WORLD.

''We are the reason that He gave His life,
  We are the reason that He suffered and died.
  To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give,
  To show us the reason to live.''

Probably one of the best Christmas carols sung out there. Really, what is the true meaning of Christmas?
It's not about Santa Claus
Not about the mistletoe or the snow, 
Neither are the reindeer and all the decorations.

Christmas has been commercialized. 
Where's the true meaning of Christmas? Or even so, Santa Claus?
It all began with St Nicholas. That man, that gave a whole new meaning to Christmas. Well no I'm not trying to say that he has done a bad thing, but true also that Christmas is also a time for the family to gather and celebrate.

''Celebrate what He,Christ Jesus has done for us.''

Who are we, that God the Father would send His ONE AND ONLY SON for us, to DIE on the cross? Which parent would send their own flesh and bone to death?
God did.
How much more could He love us?
He even remembers our names, EACH and EVERYONE of us.
...and we can't even remember all of our classmates' name.

We should be really thankful for who we are. Nope, no one is perfect.
This year's caroling session was truly meaningful. More time spent at old folks' homes, homes for the handicapped, orphanages. 
It is heartbreaking, to see these kids or elderly ones, with parents or their own children to abandon them at these homes. 
It's not like they want to be a burden to the family.
They did not wished to be mentally retarded.
They did not wished to lose their memories.
They did not wished to lose their sight,hearing,mobility.

Without His love, we wouldn't be here, or what we are today.
So, Happy Birthday to our saviour Jesus Christ,
Merry Christmas and a blessed year ahead!      :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Christian Fellowship.

This was the most exciting thing I anticipated as I first stepped into UTAR. Or tertiary studies. CF never existed back in my secondary school. Though the seed was almost planted, yet time was not on our side.

I still remember signing up for CF, running like a small kid to the booth saying ''I'd like to sign up for CF.'' And that was the first time I saw Tammie :D And 2 more person, which if I'm not mistaken it's Susanna and Roxanne.
Then the first CF meeting.
And it went on and on and on..

Around 40 youths.
All of different backgrounds.
Of all different ages.
Different parts of Malaysia.
Gathered together in a hall, all with one common thing.
We are all UNITED in HIS family. A family of Brothers and Sisters In Christ. 
Meeting faithfully every week, praising Him for His goodness. 

And yes, be prepared to be surrounded by friendly people, as we have HIM as out common factor. HE is the main factor, the main character of this AWESOME society.

And here comes the interesting part.
Angels and Mortals.
Which I words could describe.
A person, becoming your Guardian Angel, giving you small gifts or short notes of encouragement.
And a Mortal, for you to handle.
From this program, you'll NEVER feel left out. It's like..really. You're NOT forgotten. Someone does care for you. Taking all the problem to prepare a gift, a surprise for you.

One thing about CF, they plan up surprises very, VERY well. Be it whoever's BIRTHDAY it is. Looks like they never run out of ideas on how to surprise you.
There's always person you could count on. Be it your seniors or your course mates.
We do have Bible studies. What hit me the most was about being the SALT and LIGHT to the world.

''Who is in the wrong, when..let's JUST SAY, UTAR goes haywire? Or a company goes haywire?''

You. Christians. YOU. As salts and light, how have you been preserving this..saltiness and the light to your surrounding?
Be the change.

As time goes by, you get to know more and more people. Relationships, friendships are strengthened.
As UTAR PJ is more for foundation students, this means most of the students will either leave and go to:

1. UTAR Kampar.
2. UTAR Setapak.
3. UTAR Sungai Long.

Separations means CF will have to break up too. As for today (14th December 2011), we had our last meeting for this semester. It was really fun, thinking back about this program.Angels and Mortals were revealed. Small (yet awh-shome!) Christmas party, prayers for those who will be leaving us, gifts exchange, LOTS of laughter, tears.

...No one likes separations. not about Santa Claus, snow, Rudolph or Christmas trees. It's about the birth of Christ into this world. Or slightly off topic, about the warmth of everyone, the company of people, the joy of giving and sharing. Bless and be blessed.

Haha sorry lar if this post wasn't really about CF, but it's like..just a piece of my mind lah. :)
But really, being in a CF, you'll never, NEVER feel lonely. There's just always that someone bothering you, (in a good way okayyyy) taking the trouble to pop in front of you and say HI.

CF is extended family of mine. Not only mine, but I'm sure it's an extended family of yours too :)

Thank you UTAR PJ CF for touching these lives of ours. For this awesome group of people, and also all the HIGHEST GLORY AND PRAISE TO THE BIG DADDY UP THERE for everything. Without you, nothing will be made possible. 

May we all never lose contact of each other as we go separate ways. 

All this I pray and thank you in Jesus' name,

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How to get to Port Dickson from Kuala Lumpur (21 Sept 2011)

Well, this post is particularly for those who would like to get to PD by public transport eg. bus or train or :)

First of all.
No matter where you are, hop onto the LRT and get down when you are at Pasar Seni (or also known as Central Market).

On arrival, you'll be able to see A LOT of buses leaving town according to their destination. Then, ask around (or be adventurous, walk around!) until you see buses leaving to Terminal 1, Seremban. I'll suggest that you take SKS Bus, as they have buses leaving to Seremban every half an hour (now that's efficient!). Bus ticket is priced at RM 6.00 per person, which is a very affordable price.
Journey to Seremban would take around 45 minutes.

<-- Terminal 1, Seremban
From there, you'll see lotsa town buses. Get to platform 18, and be ready to wait. You're lucky if the bus arrives quick. Bus ticket is RM 4.00. And also DO NOT sit at the back of the bus, unless you enjoy riding on a bumpy roller coaster (haha). Journey takes around...1 hour (or was it 1 1/2 hour?) if I'm not mistaken.

And ta-da! You're at Terminal Port Dickson! :) From there, take a taxi to your destination.

Hope this has been useful for you who's reading this :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


*Credits to the owner of the picture. I do not own this picture

I’m so tired of being here,
Suppressed by all of my, childish fears.
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave.
Cause your presence still lingers here,
And it won’t leave me alone.
These wounds won’t seem to heal,
This pain is just too real,
There’s just too much that time cannot erase.
When you’d cry, I’d wipe away all of your tears.
When you’d scream, I’d fight away all of your fears.

Friendship requires a lot of time to be built.
A lot of effort.
Friendship is NOT about the money.
It’s the time, quality time spent with each other.
Great memories that are gathered and fermented over time.

Gather up your tears,
Keep them in your pocket,
Save it for some time when you’re really gonna need it.

And as we go on,
We’ll remember.
We will still be,

Yes, after some time we do go on our own ways.
But I didn't expect it to be this fast.
It's like..A hard blow on the head and bam,'re gone.
What's left behind, are just memories of what has been done..


Credits :
My Immortal - Evanescence
If I Die Young - The Band Perry
Graduation Song - Vitamin C

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A big fat THANK YOU :)

*Credits goes to the owner of the picture. I do not own the picture :)

First of all, A BIG FAT THANK YOU to my :
1. CF, for planning the surprise at McD. For the Raspberry, Blackforest and Peach cake. For the lame games by Tammeh, Choulyew, and Roxanne :) And also to those that came :))

Ling ling ling ling (I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot when I was walking back home, too lame LOL)
This is number 3, and ummmm, it's there. haha

2. Ex 5 Science members. I will NEVER forget what we went through during school days. :')

3. Tutorial group mates. After more and more wishes, they started singing the song *face palm* hehehh :)

4. And you, and you aaaand you :))

Once again, the 6th of August has arrived. Repeating itself. Another year passed by. People came, people went away. Struggling all the way.

Another year of remembrance and prayer to those who were bombed in Hiroshima.

*or else Malaysia wouldn't gain freedom -,-

So, another year older, another year wiser(?), and another passed safely with no major injuries. 
Praise the LORD for he has allowed me to continue on this journey here on this planet. Who knows what has He got in stores for me next.

*Credits goes to the owner of the picture. I do not own the picture :)

Wheeee just another short update. 
Ohhhhh please bear with me about the Bus no.11 okay? :))

Babai. Till next post we shall meet then.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sneak peak - A Journey of Bus No. 11

I have just came up with an idea of writing a story, where it applies to all ages. on the surface, kids learn things too. If explored deep down, you learn things too.

WOOHOO I can't wait to start this story.
And OH I'll be drawing and colouring too. teehee XD
So, herllow colour pencils and papers and pens. *wheeeeeee*

Therefore, stay tuned, and be patient. It pays to be patient :)))

Nanait, babai. :D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

This person.

..taught me how to swim to cycle to fly a kite
..was there to teach me to walk

And now I'm grown up.
...and still,
He's there when I have problems.
He picked me up when I was at my lowest.

Yes he might have made me cry,
And yet how many times have I make him cry even more.

In everyone's childhood,
I'm sure once they have thought,
Daddy is my superhero.
He knows everything.
Father's Day might not be so commercialized,
Yet, Kids really do look up to their father.

Not much words could express how I feel for you.
Thank you Daddy.

Credits to the owner of the picture. I do not own the picture

Monday, January 3, 2011

# number 65 ;)

I don't know? Just probably another random update. :)
Today is Monday. It's 5.35 PM.
Ohh, officially today school re-opens. And sadly, not for me.
1993 babies are out of school!! (Well, a large portion of them lar..)
Now, I've to wait for my licence to come..Ouuuuuuu yeahh :P
Then I'll go and work.
Then NS.
Then BRACES. Goodness because of NS I've to wait, or else you'll see me going everywhere with this weird metal thingy on my teeth. Haha :P
Dentist said not to put them on first because have to go and do monthly check-ups. And thanks NS. THANKS A LOT. ;)
All the best to my close JUNIORS (Kwan Chi & Pooi Yee)
And oh, congratz about your ''excellent'' class teacher. Haha :P

Youth Quake.
Of Peace Haven, LOTSA MAD PEOPLE FROM ALL OVER MALAYSIA and most importantly, 

God above everything.

Current songs : To You - Hillsong United, Here In My Life - Hillsong United

Random update, 
Kenn signing off   :)